The Spring Update Guide You Didn’t Know You Needed

It’s that time of year, actually my favorite time of year! Spring has sprung and I always feel so excited and hopeful this time of year. It feels like my corner of the world is waking up after a long (but still warm Florida) winter and fresh starts feel easier. Everything feels possible and magical and there is a sense of renewed energy floating around. Especially this year! Can you relate? Maybe I’m partial to Spring because I was born this time of year, but I really think there’s something special about this season.
Spring cleaning is a popular phrase this time of year and in the vein of fresh starts, I tend to agree that it’s a great practice. However, my spring cleaning doesn’t usually involve the typical deep clean. I like to use it as a reason to get organized, throw out the old, and welcome a few new updates too! Swap sweaters for spring dresses or leather for lace and you’re ready to welcome the warmer weather.
You deserve to elevate your life at any time that you wish. These tips are spring focused, but know that you can implement many of them at any time of year. Keep reading for my best tips on updating your home, wardrobe, organization habits, and more!

Spring Organizing Tips:
Everyone’s Spring Cleaning might look a little different. Maybe you’ve never specifically deep cleaned at the turn of the season. LET ME ASSURE YOU, reorganizing and cleaning at the beginning of spring creates space energetically for new and exciting things to come your way. It gives you the closest you’ll get to a new home feel without the stress of moving and that energy of starting new is something we all can benefit from. I’m going to outline the basics. We’ll cover the most important areas of your home and throw tips in from my friend, brilliant professional organizer and closet designer, Andrea Litsch.
Your essential areas are your bathroom, bedroom/closet, kitchen, and other highly used living spaces. These are all places where you relax, care for yourself, spend time with loved ones, and shelter yourself from the chaos of everyday life. They should be a sanctuary. I promise you deserve to LOVE these spaces. If you don’t already feel that way in your home, these tips will help…

Go through your bathroom cabinets, makeup drawer, etc, and throw out anything expired or that you won’t use (be honest with yourself!). Those old lotions that you haven’t touched in 5 years, bye-bye! Check the backs of your beauty products for the little jar icon with a number inside. That number indicates how many months, from the time of opening, that the product is good for. One trick I love is using a sharpie to mark the month and year on a product when I start using it. If it’s been in there since Rihanna last blessed us with an album, it’s GOTTA GO my friend. Spring means a change in the weather so you may need to make space for lighter skincare or makeup and plenty of sunscreen.
Sort through your clothes and get rid of clothes that no longer serve you. This could be clothes that aren’t your style, ill fitting clothes, or worn out clothes that need replacing. Organization expert and closet designer Andrea Litsch suggests, “When purging your closet set a time limit and decide on the scope of the project. This gives an end point and makes it feel like an accomplishable task. Feeling overwhelmed? Start small. 5 minutes for socks and underwear drawers. Build momentum and confidence to tackle the other items!”
Want to go all in on that closet reorganization?
Follow these four simple steps from Litsch to thoroughly sift through all items:
1. Set time and scope of project
2. Rapid fire the initial sort
3. Go back with critical eye to make piles
4. Track the maybes you decide to keep
Once you’ve sorted, donate clothes that are still in good condition if you’re able to, and recycle the rest instead of just throwing them away. Then put away your winter clothes and refresh your wardrobe for spring, more tips on that below. For ideas on how to update your closet sustainably check out this blog post.
Organize your closet in whatever way best suits your lifestyle. I personally separate out tops, skirts, shorts, dresses, etc. then hang them up by color and sleeve or hem length. Litsch also suggests adding a Valet Rod to your closet to be able to easily steam clothes, use while packing for a trip, pick out an outfit and have somewhere to hang it for the next morning, or to hang dry cleaning when you bring it home. This folding valet rod is a favorite, as well as this telescope version.

This is one place I like to deep clean! Then switch out your kitchen towels and plates for something more spring-y if that’s your thing. Pick up some new spices or a new cookbook to take advantage of everything growing fresh this time of year. Throw out expired food and spices, then fill your fridge with foods that make you happy and make your body feel good.
My favorite ways to feel organized in the kitchen:
- Throw out those bags and boxes that most of your food comes in (and doesn’t do a good job of keeping it fresh) in exchange for these canisters. Your pantry will thank you!
- Messy spice cabinets can easily give me anxiety, so I opted for these simple but uniform spice jars with homemade labels. And just to take it to another level, I alphabetized my spice drawer to make it easy to find what I’m looking for.
- In the fridge, put all of your dressings on one shelf, hot sauces on another, pickles and garnishes together, beverages in one place, etc. It’s amazing how much easier it is to keep track of what you need at the grocery store when you can quickly see what you’re out of. Spring is an excellent time to increase your fruits and veggies intake too so that you have that spring glow from the inside out!

I love to fill the house with fresh flowers or herbs year round. I grow a ton of Cuban Oregano in my garden because it’s SUPER easy to grow and smells gorgeous. I cut some of it, put it in water, and place it around the house too because it lasts months in a vase and provides a beautiful pop of springy green in each room.
You can also do this with eucalyptus in your shower. Buy fresh eucalyptus and hang it from your shower head for a fabulous steamy aroma. When it dries out after a couple of months, you can replace it but be sure to save the dried eucalyptus and put it in a vase somewhere around the house too.
For more ideas, check out one of my favorite blogs, How to Create a Luxe Vibe at Home.
Home fragrance -
Nothing says “welcome home” like walking in the front door to a beautifully scented house. If you want to be the friend who always smells amazing, know that it’s more than just a fragrance spritz on the way out the door. Many people use their signature scent all throughout their home and personal care routine.

Mist diffusers and bowls full of diffusing stones can provide a consistent scent that is present without overpowering. One of my favorite diffusing stones to use is selenite. Selenite is known for its renewing properties and pairs well with the fresh start that Spring brings to us. Top it with Anuket Luxury Apothecary’s Diffusing Oil and you’re good to go with a crisp, light fragrance that will linger all day and night.
Another easy way to scent your home is to put a few drops of your favorite fragrance oil on your AC intake filter. This helps your house smell great with little to no continued effort. I love a good “set it and forget it” style tip.
Spring Personal Style Updates:
For men -
Spring is such a great time to lighten up your wardrobe, literally and figuratively. Out with the old, heavy winter fabrics and colors, and in with the new light and breezy textiles and colors. Ella Bing Haberdashery owner Brent Kraus suggests that men “start off spring with a fresh pair of white kicks.” For tips and tricks on keeping those shoes in TOP condition, check out our Shoe Care blog.
For clothing, layers are great for guys. A lightweight spring jacket is a must. Try going for an off-neutral like army green or denim, which can be paired with just about anything. Swap out fleece, plaids, and leather for khakis, florals, and cotton. If you don’t own a crisp white button down shirt or lightweight white tee, now is the time to seek one out, along with a fresh pair of shades in a unique finish like these wood frames.
For women -
Many people go for brighter colors or florals in the Spring. Jewel tones and pastels are always a hit. Me? I’m a sucker for neutrals. I love whites, light grays, khakis, with pieces in soft accent colors like blush. “White, you say? For Spring!?” YUP! The “no white between Labor Day and Memorial Day” is no longer a thing! That’s an antiquated rule that you don’t need to self-impose anymore. Throw on those white jeans, babe! They’re perfect for Spring with a pop of color on the lip.

I know in some parts of the country it’s still too cold to be thinking about swimsuits in the springtime, but in Florida, we keep them handy year-round. I LOVE a minimalistic one-piece in a neutral color. I believe a black swimsuit is like an LBD, every girl should have one, or two!

Switch up your spring look easily by adding a few new jewelry pieces. The Anuket x James & Jezebelle Demi Fine Jewelry Collection has some to DIE for pieces with selenite and white lava rock. These clean, minimal designs are PERFECT for spring, plus they allow you to diffuse your favorite Anuket scents directly from the jewelry for an innovative way to wear a fragrance that lasts all day.

For my hair, I love to cut it a little shorter for Spring and Summer. I usually have my stylist brighten it up as well. I use Coquet Modern’s Blondie purple shampoo to keep my blonde extra ashy and not brassy. Then I put our Anuket x Coquet Modern Hydrating Hair Fragrance in the ends of my hair to help seal them with nourishing oils and leave a light papyrus scent.
For skincare, make sure you’re wearing a daily SPF! I also tend to switch to lighter products that give me coverage but also keep my skin glowing. I love looking fresh and dewy so I’m light on my application and prefer fewer products versus more.
Do you have any favorite MUST-do tips or tricks for the Spring season? Be sure to share them in the comments. I’m a sucker for life hacks and I want to know what works for you! As always, make sure you’re hanging out with us on Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram for new and exciting content. Don’t forget to subscribe here for emails so that you get all of our first-to-know updates on sales, launches, events, and more!
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